Course Detail
This 35+ hour/multi week course is intended to give understudies a strong information in the rudiments of Java SE Programming, Article Situated Programming Ideas, Bundles, String Programming, Assortments Structure, I/O Streams and Swing Programming interface. Every idea will be examined utilizing intelligent class notes alongside important implicit models/applications. This course is shown by experienced teachers with 10+ long stretches of advancement and preparing experience.
This course will allow the students to understand various core Java concepts including:
(i) Learning the basics of Java SE Programming
(ii) Learn core concepts of Java programming
(iii) Understanding Object Oriented Programming Concepts
(iv) Packages, Thread Programming
(v) Collections Framework, I/O Streams.
(vi) Learn how to use IDE for Java application development
(vii) Use Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1 for Java EE Developers
(viii) Exposure to lots and lots of working examples
(ix) Hands-on examples via class work and/or home work
AT Course Completion
You would be able to develop data driven Java application for desktops by implementing OOP concepts and swing API.
Course Syllabus
1.1 Introduction to Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE)
1.2 Java programming Basics
1.3 Introduction to Java Development Tools
1.4 Exploring your Java Class & Compiling and Interpreting Applications
2.1 The Kinds of Types & Values
2.1.1 Primitive Types and Values
2.1.2 Reference Types and Values
2.1.3 Parameterized Types
2.2 Type Variables
2.2.1 Variables of Primitive Type
2.2.2 Variables of Reference Type
2.2.3 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
2.3 Kinds of Variables
2.3.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
2.4 Data Type Casting
2.4.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
2.5 Java Arrays, Multi-Dimensional Arrays
2.5.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
2.6 Using Operators
2.6.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
3.1 Conditional Statements
3.2 Looping Statements
3.3 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
3.4 Branching Statements Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
4.1 Declaring Classes
4.1.1 Generic Classes and Type Parameters
4.1.2 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
4.2 Defining Methods
4.2.1 Passing Parameters by Values
4.2.2 Generic Methods
4.2.3 Use Static methods, JavaBeans Naming & & Var-Args
4.2.4 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
4.3 Develop Constructors
4.3.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
5.1 Describe Encapsulation, Use Polymorphism & Inheritance
5.1.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
5.2 Method Overriding, Overloading & Constructor Overloading
5.2.1 Practical (Hands-on Examples)
5.3 Develop Interfaces, Abstract Classes & Nested Classes
5.3.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
6.1 Defining and Importing packages
6.2 Access and non-Access Specifiers
6.2.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
6.3 Explore java.lang package – Using String & Wrapper classes
6.3.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
7.1 About Java Exception Handling & Exception Hierarchy
7.2 Using try-catch Blocks
7.2.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
7.3 “throws” keyword, throwing(throw) an Exception & “finally” Statements
7.3.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
8.1 Introduction to Java Multithread Programming
8.2 Creating a Thread – Implementing Runnable & Extending Thread
8.2.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
8.3 Creating Multiple Threads and Joining Threads
8.4 Java – Thread Synchronization
8.4.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
8.5 Interthread Communication and Java Thread Deadlock
8.5.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
9.1 Introduction to Collection classes & Interfaces
9.2 Core Collections Interfaces: List, Set & Map
9.3 Collection Classes – Lists, Sets, Maps & Using an Iterator
9.3.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
9.4 Storing User-defined classes in Collections
9.5 Legacy Classes & Interfaces: Enumeration, Vector & Hashtable
9.5.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
9.6 Autoboxing and Unboxing
9.6.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
10.1 Overview – Stream I/O in Standard I/O ( Package)
10.2 Byte Based I/O & Byte Streams
10.2.1 Byte Arrays
10.2.2 File I /O Byte Streams
10.2.3 Buffered I/O Byte Streams
10.3 Formatted Data streams – Java DataInput / DataOutput Streams
10.3.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
10.4 Character Based I/O & Character Streams
10.4.1 Char Arrays
10.4.2 File I /O Character Streams
10.4.3 Buffered I/O Character Streams
10.4.4 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
10.5 Object Serialization using the package
10.5.1 Practical (Hands-on Working Examples)
10.6 Using PrintStream & PrintWriter
11.1 Describe the key features of Swing
11.2 Add components to a JFrame using the ContentPane
11.3 Using WindowBuilder – Java GUI designer
11.4 Write Swing Applications using Swing components
11.5 Event Handling
11.6 Creating Data Driven Swing Based GUI Application
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